
Client Export

Client Event : Society:OpenSociety

Opens the society management interface for authorized players by retrieving and displaying various society-related information.

Server Export

Server Event : Society:RevokeBill

Revokes a bill from the society_billing database and notifies both the bill's owner and the player who revoked it.

Parameters :

  • bill: The bill details including id, society, owner_identifier, and value.

Server Event : Society:DeleteBill

Deletes a bill from the society_billing database.

Parameters :

  • bill: The bill details including id.

Server Event : Society:SendBill

Sends a bill to a player and inserts it into the society_billing database.

Parameters :

  • source: The ID of the source player.

  • playerId: The ID of the target player.

  • amount: The amount to be billed.

Server Event : Society:PayBill

Processes the payment of a bill, updates the database, and handles associated transactions.

Parameters :

  • id: The ID of the player paying the bill.

  • target: The identifier of the target player.

  • amount: The amount to be paid.

  • society: The society's identifier.

  • society_name: The society's name.

  • method: The payment method.

Server Callback : Society:GetAllBillSociety

Retrieves all bills for a society that match the specified payment status.

Parameters :

  • source: The ID of the source player.

  • cb: The callback function to return the result.

  • payed: The payment status (true or false).

Server Callback : Society:GetUnpayedBill

Parameters :

  • source: The ID of the source player.

  • cb: The callback function to return the result.

  • playerId: The ID of the target player.

Server Callback : Society:GetBillList

Parameters :

  • source: The ID of the source player.

  • cb: The callback function to return the result.

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