🔓Change menu (Open source)

If you want to change the menu and put that of your server it is possible go to the client/main.lua file

If you really don't want the menu you can delete the web folder and modify the line that requests the web folder in fxmanifest.lua

In the EnterBarber function on line 41 replaced ToggleNuiFrame(true) with opening your menu, and to close it you can for example put your menu closing function in the ExitChair function

Or you can directly do it in the CallBack like this, this code must be added

ESX.TriggerServerCallback("BarberShop:Buy", function(Success) 
    if Success then
        -- Close menu
        PlaySoundFrontend(-1, 'Bus_Schedule_Pickup', 'DLC_PRISON_BREAK_HEIST_SOUNDS', false)
end, {Type = Data.Type, Price = Data.Price})

Last updated