Last updated
Last updated
To change the interface and also that of notifications go here
Shared.Locale = {
-- Notification
Emote3DError = "You must be in animation to do this",
EmoteSended = function(PlayerName, EmoteName) return "Request sent to ~g~<C>" .. PlayerName .. "~s~</C> [" .. EmoteName .. "]" end,
EmoteUnValid = function(EmoteName) return "[" .. EmoteName .. "] is not a valid shared emote" end,
EmoteBinded = function(EmoteName, KeyBind) return "The emote [" .. EmoteName .. "] has been bound on the NUMPAD"..KeyBind end,
PressCam = "Press ~y~G~w~ to use camera flash.",
PressPee = "Hold ~y~G~w~ to pee.",
PressStun = "Press ~y~G~w~ to 'use' stun gun.",
PressRain = "Press ~y~G~w~ to make it rain.",
PressVape = "Press ~y~G~w~ to vape.",
PressLeaf = "Press ~y~G~w~ to use the leaf blower.",
PressSpray = "Hold ~y~G~w~ to spray champagne",
MaxMinEmoteName = "Emote name must have 4 characters minimum and 16 maximum",
AcceptOrRefuseShared = "Press ~g~E~s~ to accept\nPress ~r~X~s~ to decline\n\nEmote: ",
CheckAround = {
NoPlayerClosest = "~b~Nobody around\n~w~Get closer",
ActionClosest = "Press ~g~E~s~ to confirm~n~Press ~b~A~s~ to change the target~n~Press ~r~X~s~ to cancel",
RefuseAction = "You have ~r~canceled~s~ this ~r~action~s~"
ErrorMap = {
Error403 = { Title = "Plan limit reached" , Descritpion = "You cannot create any new emote."},
Error429 = { Title = "Rate limiting reached" , Descritpion = "You cannot do new request for the moment."}
ProcessUpdate = function(Name, Status) return "Emote status progression\n"..Name .. " has reached the state " .. Status end,
EmoteReady = function(Name) return "Emote is ready\n"..Name .. " is now available !" end