Last updated
Last updated
To change the interface and also that of notifications go here
Locale = {
Creator = {
NoEntry = "You have not defined a property entry",
NoSolutionGarage = "You have not ~r~defined~s~ a ~r~solution~s~ for the ~r~garage",
Success = function(Name, Price) return "You have created property ~b~"..Name.."~s~\nRent: ~b~"..Price .."$" end,
CheckAround = {
NoPlayerClosest = "~b~Nobody around\n~w~Get closer",
ActionClosest = "Press ~g~E~s~ to confirm~n~Press ~b~A~s~ to change the target~n~Press ~r~X~s~ to cancel",
RefuseAction = "You have ~r~canceled~s~ this ~r~action~s~"
HelpNotification = {
GoOut = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to ~r~exit",
PropsInteract = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~",
OpenSafe = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to open the ~b~safe",
OpenGarageMenu = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to ~b~open~s~ the ~b~management menu~s~",
OpenWardrobe = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to open the ~b~wardrobe",
EnterGarage = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to ~b~enter~s~ the ~b~garage~s~",
EnterProperty = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to ~b~access~s~ the ~b~property~s~"
Garage = {
VehicleCondition = "Vehicle condition : ",
MaxSpeed = "Max speed",
Acceleration = "Acceleration",
Brake = "Brake",
Suspension = "Suspension",
ParkCar = "You parked the car : ~b~",
VehicleNear = "A ~r~vehicle~s~ is blocking the ~r~exit~s~",
ModelInvalid = function(model, modelName) return "This vehicle model does not exist ("..model.." / "..modelName..")" end,
Blips = {
Property = "Propery",
Interior = "Interior : ",
GarageSpace = "Garage Space : ",
NoGarage = "No garage",
Garage = "Garage",
Rent = "Rent : "
NoPerm = {
SeeChest = "You do ~r~not have~s~ permissions to open ~r~the safe~s~",
TakeCar = "You do ~r~not have~s~ permission to take a ~r~vehicle from the garage~s~",
AccessProperty = "You ~r~do not have~s~ permissions to ~r~enter the property~s~",
AccessGarage = "You ~r~do not have~s~ permission to ~r~enter the garage~s~",
ParkCar = "You ~r~do not have~s~ permission to ~r~park a car~s~",
AttributeProperty = "You ~r~do not have~s~ permission to ~r~attribute property~s~ to the crew"
Pay = {
EnoughMoney = "You don't have ~r~enough money~s~"
Ring = {
SomeoneRinging = "Someone wants to access to your property\n~b~",
AcceptOrRefuse = "~g~Y ~s~to accept\n~r~X ~s~to refuse",
Timer = "You ~r~refused~s~ access",
Accepted = "You have ~g~authorized~s~",
Refused = "You ~r~refused~s~ access",
Server = {
HaveProperty = function(Name) return "You now own the property \n~b~"..Name end,
NameAlreadyExist = "A property with this name already exists",
RenameSuccess = function(newName) return "You have renamed your property:\n~b~"..newName end,
DeletePropery = function (Name) return "You deleted the property\n"..Name end,
AddAccessPlayer = function(PlayerName, pName) return "You added ~b~"..PlayerName.."~s~ to the property\n~b~"..pName end,
AddAccessTarget = function(pName) return "You are now the tenant of the property\n~b~".. pName end,
GarageIsFull = "The garage is full",
RingRefused = function(pName) return "You have been ~r~denied access to the property~s~\n~b~"..pName end,
RingAccepted = function(pName) return "You have been ~g~granted access to the property~s~\n~b~".. pName end,
UpdateProperty = function(pName, Price) return "The price of property \n~b~"..pName.."\n~s~ is now ~b~"..Price.. "$"end,
AccessToJob = "You have assigned ownership to your job",
AccessToCrew = "You have assigned ownership to your crew"
PlayerListNil = "The ~b~property list~s~ has not ~b~loaded yet~s~. Please try again.",
DeleteTenant = function(PlyName) return "You have deleted "..PlyName.." from your property" end,
JobCantAttribute = "You ~r~cannot assign~s~ this property to ~r~your job~s~",
CountInvalid = "Please enter a valid quantity"