This locale only supports changing button languages
Shared.Locale = {
Male = "Male",
Female = "Female",
Left = "Left",
Right = "Right",
Select = "Select",
Delete = "Delete",
CreateNew = "Create new",
NoMoreSlot = "You no longer have any slots to create a character",
ConfirmToDelete = "Are you sure you want to delete this character ? Write '"..Shared.WordConfirm.."'",
ConfirmToCreateNew = "Are you sure you want to create a new character ? Write '"..Shared.WordConfirm.."'",
CantCreateMore = "You can't create more character",
--- Command
-- Argument
Identifier = "Player identifier",
CitizenId = "Player citizenid", -- For QBCore
CharSlot = "Slot number of the character",
CommandSlots = "# of slots",
-- Help
DeleteCharacter = "Permanent character removal",
SetSlots = "Set multicharacter slots number of a player",
DisableChar = "Disable a given character of a player",
EnabledChar = "Enable a given character of a player",
RemoveSlots = "Remove multicharacter slots number of a player",
-- Notif
CharDeleted = function(CitizenId) return "Successfully removed player character "..CitizenId end,
SlotsAdd = function(Slots, Identifier) return "You added "..Slots.." slots to "..Identifier.."" end,
SlotsEdit = function(Slots, Identifier) return "You set "..Slots.." slots to "..Identifier.."" end,
SlotsRemove = function(Identifier) return "You removed slots to "..Identifier.."" end,
CharEnabled = function(Identifier) return "You enabled character of "..Identifier.."" end,
CharDisabled = function(Identifier) return "You disabled character of "..Identifier.."" end,
CharNotFound = function(Identifier) return "You disabled character of "..Identifier.."" end
Last updated