🏳️Main config

Shared = {}
Shared.Horse = {}

Shared.Framework = {
    ESX = true,
    QBCore = false

Shared.ChipName = "chip"
Shared.Debug = false

Shared.Command = {
    EnabLeCommandEnterExit = true,
    Name = "casino"

Shared.ShowBlips = true
Shared.ShowInsideBlips = true

Shared.EnterCasino = vec3(924.052734, 47.340664, 81.093018)
Shared.ExitCasino = vec3(1089.718628, 206.070328, -49.004395)
Shared.Exchange = vec3(1116.039551, 220.008789, -49.442505)

Shared.DefaultWall = "diamonds" -- diamonds, skulls, snowflakes, winner

Shared.PedSpawn = {
	{ model = "s_m_y_valet_01", pos = vec3(924.052734, 47.340664, 81.093018 - 1), heading = 53.858269, name = "Pedro", anim = "CODE_HUMAN_CROSS_ROAD_WAIT" }, -- Enter
    { model = "s_m_y_valet_01", pos = vec3(1089.718628, 206.070328, -49.004395 - 1), heading = 354.496063, name = "Michael", anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_GUARD_STAND_CASINO" }, -- Exit
    { model = "u_f_m_casinocash_01", pos = vec3(1117.3842529297, 220.0, -49.435165405273 - 0.85), heading = 85.897758483887, name = "Laura", anim = {"anim_casino_b@amb@casino@games@blackjack@ped_female@engaged@01b@idles", "idle_a"} } -- Sell/Buy Chips

function DrawTopNotification(txt, beep)
    AddTextEntry("DrawTopNotification", txt)
    DisplayHelpTextThisFrame("DrawTopNotification", false)

Update for MLO

We are happy to tell you that the script is now adapted to the mapping of our partner MOLO MODDING

Shared.UseMLO = true

Afterwards you just have to change the positions according to your mapping

Last updated