Shared = {}
Shared.Horse = {}
Shared.Framework = {
ESX = true,
QBCore = false
Shared.ChipName = "chip"
Shared.Debug = false
Shared.Command = {
EnabLeCommandEnterExit = true,
Name = "casino"
Shared.ShowBlips = true
Shared.ShowInsideBlips = true
Shared.EnterCasino = vec3(924.052734, 47.340664, 81.093018)
Shared.ExitCasino = vec3(1089.718628, 206.070328, -49.004395)
Shared.Exchange = vec3(1116.039551, 220.008789, -49.442505)
Shared.DefaultWall = "diamonds" -- diamonds, skulls, snowflakes, winner
Shared.PedSpawn = {
{ model = "s_m_y_valet_01", pos = vec3(924.052734, 47.340664, 81.093018 - 1), heading = 53.858269, name = "Pedro", anim = "CODE_HUMAN_CROSS_ROAD_WAIT" }, -- Enter
{ model = "s_m_y_valet_01", pos = vec3(1089.718628, 206.070328, -49.004395 - 1), heading = 354.496063, name = "Michael", anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_GUARD_STAND_CASINO" }, -- Exit
{ model = "u_f_m_casinocash_01", pos = vec3(1117.3842529297, 220.0, -49.435165405273 - 0.85), heading = 85.897758483887, name = "Laura", anim = {"anim_casino_b@amb@casino@games@blackjack@ped_female@engaged@01b@idles", "idle_a"} } -- Sell/Buy Chips
function DrawTopNotification(txt, beep)
AddTextEntry("DrawTopNotification", txt)
DisplayHelpTextThisFrame("DrawTopNotification", false)
We are happy to tell you that the script is now adapted to the mapping of our partner MOLO MODDING