ℹī¸Change pos farm

To change or add positions for the poster farm, it's here

Poster.Coords = {
    [1] = {x = -1063.016, y = -2543.65, z = 20.62, h = 60.0},
    [2] = {x = 154.12, y = -1038.75, z = 29.82, h = 156.53},
    [3] = {x = 84.75, y = -764.99, z = 32.10, h = 337.62},
    [4] = {x = 72.33, y = -805.12, z = 31.90, h = 159.72},
    [5] = {x = -1205.33, y = -889.20, z = 13.52, h = 213.11},	 
    [6] = {x = 816.79, y = -1041.36, z = 27.19, h = 179.74},
    [7] = {x = 451.80, y = 82.23, z = 99.08, h = 160.20},
    [8] = {x = 929.08, y = 53.27, z = 81.56, h = 239.14},
    [9] = {x = 195.79, y = -1175.49, z = 29.85, h = 97.57},
    [10] = {x = 217.59, y = -1785.27, z = 29.35, h = 318.81},
    [11] = {x = -223.46, y = -932.15, z = 29.74, h = 70.50},

Don't forget to add consecutive indexes so the next ones will be 12, 13, 14...

Last updated