🎡Lucky Whell

Shared.LuckyWheel = {}

Shared.LuckyWheel.DailySpin = false -- DONT FORGET SQL
Shared.LuckyWheel.Reset = {Hours = 12, Minutes = 0}

Shared.LuckyWheel.Pos = vec3(1110.15, 229.23, -49.64)


Shared.LuckyWheel.Model = "vw_prop_vw_luckywheel_02a"
Shared.LuckyWheel.ModelLightOn = "vw_prop_vw_luckylight_on"
Shared.LuckyWheel.ModelLightOff = "vw_prop_vw_luckylight_off"
Shared.LuckyWheel.ModelJackPotOn = "vw_prop_vw_jackpot_on"
Shared.LuckyWheel.ModelJackPotOff = "vw_prop_vw_jackpot_off"

Shared.LuckyWheel.VehicleModel = "euros"
Shared.LuckyWheel.VehicleType = "automobile"
Shared.LuckyWheel.VehicleCoords = vec4(1100.136230, 219.956039, -48.751709 - 0.4, 150.236221)
Shared.LuckyWheel.VehicleRotation = true
Shared.LuckyWheel.VehiclePlate = "CASINO"

Shared.LuckyWheel.RewardMoneyAccount = "bank"

Shared.LuckyWheel.RewardDrink = {"OrangeJuice", "Smoothie", "Soda"} -- Choose one randomly (item name)
Shared.LuckyWheel.RewardMystery = {"Phone", "Tv"} -- Choose one randomly (item name)

Shared.LuckyWheel.VehicleSpawn = vec4(934.799988, -1.094501, 78.750977, 147.401581) -- Where vehicle spawn if someone win

AddEventHandler("LuckyWheel:SetOwnerVehicle", function(Vehicle, Plate) -- Server Side
	print(Vehicle, Plate)

-- The probability of winning a reward is determined by the range of randomly generated numbers.
-- Probability is specified as two numbers, 'a' and 'b', representing the range [a, b).
-- For example, if 'a' is 10 and 'b' is 20, it means the reward has a chance of 10/1000 (1%) to be selected,
-- as it corresponds to the range of numbers from 11 to 20 in a series from 1 to 1000.
-- To modify the probability of a reward, simply adjust the values of 'a' and 'b' to adjust the range.
-- Make sure that the probability ranges are properly defined and their sum totals 1000 to ensure fair distribution of rewards.

Shared.Reward = {
	{type = "car", 		name = "car", 			count = 1,			probability = {a =   0, b =   1}},	--  0.1 %   0.1 -- VEHICLE
	{type = "money", 	name = "money", 		count = 15000,		probability = {a =   1, b =   5}},	--  0.4 %   0.5 -- 15.000 RP
	{type = "drink", 	name = nil, 			count = 1, 			probability = {a =   5, b =  10}},	--  0.5 %   1.0 -- CLOTHING
	{type = "chip", 	name = Shared.ChipName, count = 25000,		probability = {a =  10, b =  20}},	--  1.0 %   2.0 -- 25.000 chips
	{type = "money", 	name = "money", 		count = 40000,		probability = {a =  20, b =  40}},	--  2.0 %   4.0 -- 40.000 $
	{type = "money", 	name = "money", 		count = 10000,		probability = {a =  40, b =  60}},	--  2.0 %   6.0 -- 10.000 RP
	{type = "drink", 	name = nil, 			count = 1, 			probability = {a =  60, b =  80}},	--  4.0 %   8.0 -- CLOTHING
	{type = "mystery", 	name = nil,  			count = 1, 			probability = {a =  80, b = 120}},	--  4.0 %  12.0 -- MYSTERY
	{type = "chip", 	name = Shared.ChipName, count = 20000,		probability = {a = 120, b = 170}},	--  5.0 %  17.0 -- 20.000 chips
	{type = "money", 	name = "money", 		count = 7500,		probability = {a = 170, b = 250}},	--  5.0 %  22.0 -- 7.500 RP
	{type = "drink",	name = nil, 			count = 1, 			probability = {a = 250, b = 300}},	--  6.0 %  28.0 -- CLOTHING
	{type = "chip", 	name = Shared.ChipName, count = 15000,		probability = {a = 300, b = 340}},	--  6.0 %  34.0 -- 15.000 chips
	{type = "money", 	name = "money", 		count = 30000,		probability = {a = 340, b = 380}},	--  7.0 %  41.0 -- 30.000 $
	{type = "money", 	name = "money", 		count = 5000,		probability = {a = 380, b = 540}},	--  7.0 %  48.0 -- 5.000 RP
	{type = "nothing", 	name = nil, 			count = nil, 		probability = {a = 540, b = 610}},	--  8.0 %  56.0 -- DISCOUNT
	{type = "chip",		name = Shared.ChipName, count = 10000,		probability = {a = 610, b = 640}},	--  8.0 %  64.0 -- 10.000 chips
	{type = "money",	name = "money", 		count = 20000,		probability = {a = 640, b = 700}},	--  8.0 %  72.0 -- 20.000 $
	{type = "money", 	name = "money", 		count = 2500,		probability = {a = 700, b = 810}},	--  9.0 %  81.0 -- 2.500 RP
	{type = "drink", 	name = nil, 			count = 1, 			probability = {a = 810, b = 990}},	--  9.0 %  90.0 -- CLOTHING
	{type = "money", 	name = "money", 		count = 50000,		probability = {a = 990, b = 1000}},	-- 1.0 % -- 50.000 $

If you want to change the texture of the wheel I left you the one currently used to do your work on top, we are not responsible for your changes

Last updated